eecs 598-2:smartcards lecture 3 peter honeyman citi iso 7810 physical characteristics materials pvc limited lifespan due to physical deterioration poor resistance to temperature extremes injection molding not possible environmental hazard due to chlorine content vinyl chloride is considered a carcinogen economical and easy to process used worldwide iso 7810 other compounds abs: acylonitrile-butadiene-styrol can be injection molded high strength and resistance to temperature extremes e.g., mobile phones resists color, sensitive to weather conditions no environmental risks manufactured from benzene, a suspected carcinogen iso 7810 other compounds pet: polyethylene terephthalate (polyester) can be injection molded can not be laminated pc: polycarbonate high strength, long life susceptible to scratching high cost iso 7810 ID-1 dimensions 3.37 ( .005 in. ( 2.125 ( .002 in. ( .03 ( .003 in. -35=C2=80 to +50=C2=80, 5% to 95% humidity corners rounded with .125 ( .012 in edge burrs < .003 in. iso 7810 maximum warpage < 1.5 mm bending stiffness .7 N load applied within 3 mm. of side for 1 min. deforms card by 3= - 35 mm. after 1 min. card returns to nominal warpage not affected by normal light optical transmission density > 1.5 iso 7810 durability undefined ID-000 dimensions GSM SIM 15 mm ( 25 mm, R=3D1 mm, lower right corner cut at 3 mm iso 7811 = recording techniques -1 embossing -2 magstripe -3 location of embossing -4 location of tracks 1 and 2 write once, read many up to 79 track 1 characters up to 40 track 2 characters -5 location of track 3 write many, read many iso 7812 = identification of issuers 19 character identification number 6 character issuer identification number major industry identifier 0: reserved 1, 2: airlines 3: travel and entertainment 4, 5: banking financial 6: merchandizing and banking 7: petroleum 8: telecommunications 9: reserved for national standards iso 7812 issuer identifier individual account number up to 12 digits check digit iso 7813 = financial transaction cards track 1 and 2 contents iso 7816-1 physical characteristics in general, ref. iso 7810 additional characteristics iso 7816-1 uv light: ambient only x-rays: 0.1 Gy of 70 keV to 140 keV cum. dose per year (twice the gene= rally accepted human dose) surface profile of contacts: .5 mm higher or .1 mm lower than adjacent= card surface iso 7816-1 mechanical strength: steel ball of 1 mm diameter applying 1.5 N force electrical resistance of contacts: for any d.c. current between 50 (A = and 300 mA, < .5( magstripe: independent functioning iso 7816-1 static electricity: immune to static discharge between any contact and= ground of 2,000 V through 1.5 k( resistance of 100 pF capacitor operating temperature: between 0=C2=80 C and 50=C2=80 C bending and torsion: ref. iso 10373, 1,000 cycles iso 7816-2 dimension and location of contacts min. contact size 2 mm. ( 1.7 mm., aspect corresponding to card two contacts reserved for future use one is intended for full duplex operation contacts can appear on front or back contacts iso 7816-3 electronic signals and transmission protocols operating conditions iso 7816-3 power class A: vCC: 5 ( .5 V class B: vCC: 3 ( .3 V class AB reader should try class B for 10 ms., then class A class B card should not respond to reset under class A conditions = ICC ( 60 mA (class A), 50 mA (class B) iso 7816-3 clock during reset: 1 to 5 MHz (A), 1 to 4 MHz (B) 7816-3 discusses clock frequencies up to 20 MHz 40% to 60% duty cycle must exercise care if switching clock frequency activation RST set to L apply VCC apply CLK set I/O to read mode within 200 clock cycles hold RST at L for at least 400 clock cycles, then set H according to scdk, keep it L until atr initiates activation card should answer (atr) within 400 and 40,000 clock cycles if not, try RST L again warm reset by setting RST to L for 400 clock cycles clock is allowed to stop if no i/o for 1,860 clock cycles allow 700 clock cycles after restarting clock before any i/o deactivation RST to L CLK to L set I/O to L deactivate VCC