Slide 10

How do you talk to a smartcard? - (4) Using APDUs with pay

Issue APDUs from pay to read the purse file in your M-Card.
  1. Select the purse file. The purse file is 3f.00/02.00/02.01. This file can be selected by issuing Select File APDUs from the root directory to the leaf.
    pay> ic 00 a4 00 00 02
    Enter 2 data bytes (hex):
    3f 00
    90 00 ok
    pay> ic 00 a4 00 00 02
    Enter 2 data bytes (hex):
    02 00
    90 00 ok
    pay> ic 00 a4 00 00 02
    Enter 2 data bytes (hex):
    02 01
    90 00 ok
  2. Read the purse file. You have to issue the Read Record APDU to do this. The record size of the purse file is 6 byte.
    pay> oc 00 b2 0 0 06
    1:0 2:3 3:0 4:0 5:0 6:64
    90 00 ok
    The last 4 byte of the record represents the amount of money stored in M-Card, in cents. Because mine has $1, it says 0x64 - 100 cents.